Praise God that He is always working on us! At Rollins Kids, we strive to create an experience for children that safe, welcoming, and teaches the good news of Jesus!
Figuratively speaking, we want to fill your child's tool box by equipping, encouraging and empowering them to follow Jesus and have a relationship with Him. our goal is that by the time they graduate into Rollins Student Ministry, they have a tool box filled with application they learned in Rollins Kids to further their relationship and become disciple-making disciples for Jesus!
Rollins Kids meets every Sunday:
Pre-K to 5th Grade - 9:45 AM for Sunday School
Pre-K to 2nd Grade - 11:00 AM for Junior Church
*We are in the process of relaunching our nursery ministry during worship at 11:00 AM
by April 2023!
Here is what you can expect from Rollins Kids...